Monday 12 February 2007

Abbeyside Scout Den

Now this may seem to many to be a very strange picture to have included on a blogsite or website but this picture I am sure will have a few memories for the older Scouts checking these pages out. This is what the old floor in the Scout Den looked like. It was a solid timber floor. The memories that this brings back to me are of Care Of The Den, the dust that used to come up from the floor when we had to sweep this floor, putting water on the floor to keep the dust down (this probably didn't do the floor much good), putting the tables and chairs out for the cards of a Sunday after the Patrol Meetings. These are just my thoughts let me know what it might mean to you.


Anonymous said...

Games like push the peanut were great fun on the old floor. With so many knots in the floor boards it was almost impossible to push that bl@"$y peanut in a straight line!What ever happened to those floor boards when they were replaced? Did they end up on a campfire in glenshellane?

Anonymous said...

I hope they did!! God I hated sweeping that floor. By the time you were finished it was dusty again!