Monday 13 October 2008

4th Waterford Unit, St Joseph's, Abbeyside Scout Group Notes 13th October 2008

4th Waterford

St Joseph’s


Scouting Ireland

Cub Scout Pack, Scout Troop & Venture Scout Group Notes


Calendar Of Events

We have updated our Activities onto an on-line Calendar, you can see these on the Blog Spot or the Abbeyside Scout Group site.

Web Site

Keep up to date with all the happenings of the 4th Waterford through our web pages, on the blog and, which we are currently updating. We would be only happy to hear any comments you may have. Check out our Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin to see how things are there too on E-Mails us any pictures you may have either for the paper or to put on the blog site, if you have a bebo or other page that would be a suitable link forward it on, also to

Cub Scout Pack - News & Information

Monday Night Cub Pack

The Monday Night Cub Pack opened for business on this week. Monday night meetings will initially be from 7p.m. to 8p.m. As of now the Leaders in charge will be Brian Mulvihill, Sandra Griffin and Patrick Fennell. It is hoped that a couple of other interested people will become part of the leader team also in the coming weeks. Best of luck to all those who have made the change to Thursday night and I know you all will miss Gearoid. Exciting times ahead as the numbers continue to increase in the Cub Packs.

Thursday Night Cub Pack Meeting

Ryan began our meeting this week with the saying of the Cub Scout Prayer followed by subs being taken up by Section Leader Gearoid. The list of names were then read out so as everyone was clear as to what night they were to turn up on next week as there was a few changes from the previous week's list because the newer night of Monday did not seem to suit everyone. Gearoid then informed the Cub Pack that there may be some promotions in the future for some of the Cubs. Group Leader and Monday Night Cub Section Leader for the new Monday Night Cub Pack Brian Mulvihill then made a visit so as he could have a little chat with the New Monday Night Cubs whom he would be in charge of and so he could put a few names to some faces. A few relay games were then played such as the basic Clan relay race, a race with a ball between the Cubs knees, and a new game called load the asteroid which proved a little difficult to some of the Cubs but I'm sure they'll get used to it in time. The Cubs favourite game of Dodge Ball was also played as it was the last time they would all be playing it together at a weekly meeting, hence the reason that Leaders Claire and Sandy seemed to get hit more than the Cubs did. Gearoid then announced that because it was our last meeting together we were going to have a little party which went down a treat so we were all soon eating crisps and chocolate bars and drinking coke and fanta. Sorry parents if your sons went home a little more active than usual. After everything was cleaned up Sandy told the Cubs that would be attending the Monday Night Cub Pack Meeting that it would be a Full Uniform Meeting and Gearoid said that the Thursday Night Cub Pack Meeting would also be the same. Ryan said the final prayer and everyone was dismissed.


If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Thursday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Pack then you should contact Gearoid Fraher, Thursday Night Cub Scout Pack Section Leader. If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Monday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Pack then you should contact Brian Mulvihill, Monday Night Cub Scout Pack Section Leader.

If a Cub is unable to attend any Activity, Event or Meeting, you are asked to please let the Cub Leader know in advance, this can be done by text or phone on their mobile number. Parents are asked to ensure that their son is on time for meetings and other activities as organised by the Leaders, as late arrival delays or disrupts the running of the meetings for everyone else, thank you.

New Members

Our books are presently closed to new members. If there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Cubs have a Parent/Guardian call to one of the Cub Scout Pack Meetings and talk to Brian on Monday Night and Gearoid on Thursday Night or talk to any one of the Leaders to have their name put on a waiting list. The Cub age is from 8 years to 10½ /11 years. The Monday Night Cub Pack Meeting starts at seven and finishes at eight. The Thursday Night Cub Pack Meeting Starts at seven fifteen and finishes at nine.

Scout Troop – News & Information

Saturday Night Scout Troop Meeting

Our meeting this week began at seven with the saying of the Scout Prayer. We returned to last week’s topic of a weekend Menu and the budget required for such a menu. As practice the Scouts would be cooking a dinner during next week’s meeting in Glenshelane with the Scouts from Ferrybank. Scouts should contact their Patrol Leader about this Menu, and the Patrol Leaders will be organising the food as well as the cooking equipment their Patrols will need.

It was time for some fun and Ciaran took over to run a few rounds of ‘Number Soccer’. For this game the Troop was divided into two teams and each member of the team was then given a number. When their number is called they must try and score a goal in the other team’s goal. As the game went on the teams had scores deducted for outside interference during play, as is the rule during a lot of games played at the meetings. If it is not your turn in the game then do not interfere with another Scouts turn or go. Gearoid then had another challenging team game for everyone to play, here he kept the same two teams, a plate, some dried peas and each Scout being given a straw. The game is called load the asteroid which proved a little difficult to some. Each Scout in turn had to collect a pea from one end of the den and transfer it to the other end, now the hard part using the straw!

The Troop then broke into three groups, Gearoid and Aaron took charge of the New Scouts covering parts of the ‘Tracker Badge’, Michael and Ciaran went over part of the ‘Explorer Badge’ with the next group of Scouts, Joe and Brendan spoke to the Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders and older Scouts about the ‘Leadership Award’ and about what is required to achieve this Award.

Everyone then gathered back in the hall and spoke of upcoming events, such as the Hike on Sunday in Glenshelane, next week’s Troop Meeting in Glenshelane with Ferrybank Scout Troop, and the Troop Overnight in Mount Melleray Scout Centre. Those Scouts over the age of thirteen who may be interested in going to the South East Provincial Youth Forum are reminded they need to have a deposit into Brendan soon of €15.00 the total cost of this weekend is €40.00. The saying of the Scout Prayer ended the meeting with everybody being reminded to wear their Group Neckerchief for all non uniform activities. Everyone was dismissed and headed for home.

A Court Of Honour was held after the meeting where how their new Patrols were getting on together, in future if the Patrol Leaders had issues with members of their Patrols behaviour they were to send them straight to Brendan and he would speak with the Scout. Next week’s meeting is in Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin and starts at four and finishes at ten. This is a joint activity between Ferrybank Scout Troop and Abbeyside Scout Troop.

Glenshelane Cycle Hike and Troop Day

Scout’s gathered at the den on Sunday Morning at 09:15 am for the finishing off of the ‘Cyclist Merit Badge’, they were heading to Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin. The Scouts on the cycle were PL’s Tony O’Mahony, and Aaron Fraher, APL Conor Lawless, Scouts James Harty, Dylan Lawless, Conor Harty, Leaders Michael Organ and Gearoid Fraher, with SPL Joe Conway and Scout Leader Brendan Kiersey as the ‘Support Crew’. Once on the road in their ‘Hi Vis’ vests and cycle helmets in place the journey up was uneventful. Meanwhile in Glenshelane more of the Scouts were arriving for half past ten, while they waited for the cyclist to arrive they took a walk up to Lyre Bridge to see the recent changes made by the Fisheries Board to the weirs on the rivers. The scouts forded the river and a picture in the Scout Den came to mind as Leader Ciaran helped some of the Scouts who had not brought the right footwear with them, called ‘he ant heavy he’s my brother’. Just as the hikers sauntered back into the Campsite the Cyclists had arrived as well. A well deserved break was given to the Cyclists with Gearoid looking for his cuppa, and the kettle had to be boiled. A flag up with the saying of the Scout Prayer opened our day in Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin. The other Scouts present went about collecting some wood to do a bit of backwoods cooking. When everyone was fully recovered the fires were set alight, this took a bit longer as the wood was on the damp side, but as always the cooked food was worth the wait. A tidy-up was carried out giving us some time to do knots. Group Leader Brian was on hand to oversee a relay game involving the knots. This was fun and warmed everyone up for heading home. The Scout Prayer was said and the Group Flag was taken down before another enjoyable day ended in Glenshelane. The cyclist headed for home after Gearoid got his bike back, silly place really to leave your bike buddy!! The cycle home brought some mechanical problems, if only someone knew about bikes, luckily Gearoid was able to assist, and everyone kept moving. Well done lads. Thanks to the Leaders for giving up their Sunday.

New Members

New members are always welcome so if there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Scouts have an adult call along with you to the meeting and talk to one of the Leaders. The Scout age is from 10½ years to 15/16 years. Scout Meetings are on a Saturday night from seven to nine. You can E-Mail the Abbeyside Scout Troop on and Brendan will get in contact with you.

Venture Scout Group – Information

Patrick of the Venture Group is now down helping with the running of the new Monday Night Cub Scout Pack. You can contact the Abbeyside Venture Scout Group by E-Mail on and Sandy/Brian will get in contact with you.


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