4th Waterford
St Joseph’s
Scouting Ireland
Cub Scout Pack & Scout Troop Notes
Annual Registration
All members in all Sections are reminded that Group Annual Registration is overdue for payment. The amount this year is €40.00 per person and should be given to your Section Leader at your weekly meeting. This registration covers Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and Committee Members for 2009. Those who have not yet paid have only a few days left to be included in this Year’s census and remain as members of Scouting Ireland and the 4th Waterford Unit. Cheques should be made payable to 4th Waterford Unit. Thank You.
Calendar Of Events
We have updated our Activities onto an on-line Calendar, you can see these on the Blog Spot or the Abbeyside Scout Group site. These can also be viewed on the ‘White Board’ on the wall in the Scout Den.
Web Site
Keep up to date with all the happenings of the 4th Waterford through our web pages, on the blog www.abbeyside.blogspot.com and www.abbeysidescoutgroup.com, which we are currently updating. We would be only happy to hear any comments you may have. Check out our Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin to see how things are there too on www.glenshelanescoutcampsite.com E-Mails us any pictures you may have either for the paper or to put on the blog site, if you have a bebo or other page that would be a suitable link forward it on, also to scribe@abbeysidescoutgroup.com
Cub Scout Pack - News & Information
Monday Night Cub Section
Our Monday night meetings are fully up and running and we look forward to more activities and events in 2009.
The Cubs were out and about hiking over the weekend on Sunday 18th January, each Cub needed, their Group Neckerchief, a packed lunch, hot drink, rain gear, hat, and fancy dress in Army style, starting and finishing at the Grotto in Melleray, Cappoquin. The weather on the morning was ideal for hiking but not the best for driving. With everyone gathered it was up the hill to Mount Melleray Scout Centre where Sandy was on a Leader Training Course but more important for the Cubs there was SNOW. The fresh crisp air matched the beautiful white landscape. We headed for the Camping field which had a blanket of velvet white snow. The Cubs built snowmen and Kevin built his own ‘Snow Creation’ which he also affectionately named. Snow Angels were also produced providing much delight. The Cubs followed the path down from the camping field and back down around the Scout Centre to the Campfire Circle where lunch was eaten. There was Leader Training underway and Sandy was present a ‘Monkey Bridge’ had just been built so the Cubs all got to try it out andsee how good the Leader Training really was, good news the bridge was up to the task. The Cub Pack was able to use the rock wall (thanks Ronan). The time was coming to an end on a great day out and about as the Cubs started down the hill to the Grotto to their awaiting Parents for the Journey home, with fond memories of the day in the snow.
Parents are also reminded of our annual registration fee which is due in January.
Parents and Cubs are to note the meeting time for Monday night meetings. The meeting will start at the usual time of 7pm but will now finish at 8.15pm. Please attend meetings on time. Cubs are also reminded that they must have Full Correct Uniform for upcoming events. Uniforms must be purchased from the Outdoor Adventure Store (Scout Shop) in Cork, they cannot be ordered from the Leaders.
Thursday Night Cub Section
Our meeting this week started with Nathan saying the Cub Scout prayer followed by subs being taken up by Gearoid. New cub Mike was then introduced to the cub pack before Gearoid told the cubs what they would be doing in the next few weeks such as an overnight, an investiture and possibly a hike. It would also be necessary to start practicing in the coming weeks for the county variety show in Ferrybank. It being the start of a new calendar year Gearoid and Mandy then went through the emergency drill procedure with the cub pack so as everyone was absolutely sure as to what to do and where to go should one occur. This is also part of the cubs silver arrow badge. Gearoid then began some gold arrow badge work with the older cubs. Mandy and S.P.L. Joe took charge of some games which were clan based and points were awarded for 1st to 4th and will count towards the clan of the year competition. Winners on the night were the Round Tower clan, clan leader Eoghan Burke. Gearoid then informed two of the cubs that they would be making the transition from the cub pack into the scout section in a few weeks and wished them the best of luck but not to look too happy as they would still see him at that meeting. Everyone was then asked to bring in a reading from their rain gauge next week and that anyone currently working on a merit badge to bring it into next weeks meeting also. Nathan then said the final prayer and everyone was dismissed.
Parents and Cubs are to note the meeting time for Thursday Night Section Meetings. The meeting will start at the usual time of 7:15pm but will finish at 8.45pm. Please attend meetings on time. Cubs are also reminded that they must have Full Correct Uniform for upcoming events. Uniforms must be purchased from the Outdoor Adventure Store (Scout Shop) in Cork, they cannot be ordered from the Leaders.
If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Thursday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Section then you should contact Gearoid Fraher, Thursday Night Cub Scout Section Leader.
If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Monday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Section then you should contact Brian Mulvihill, Monday Night Cub Scout Section Leader.
If a Cub is unable to attend any Activity, Event or Meeting, you are asked to please let the Cub Scout Section Leader know in advance, this can be done by text or phone on their mobile number. Parents are asked to ensure that their son is on time for meetings and other activities as organised by the Leaders, as late arrival tends to delay or disrupt the running of the meetings for everyone else, thank you.
New Members
Our books are presently limited to new members joining. If there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Cubs have a Parent/Guardian call to one of the Cub Scout Pack Meetings and talk to Brian on Monday Night or talk to Gearoid on Thursday Night to see about joining or have their name put on a waiting list. The Cub age is from 8 years to 10½ /11 years. The Monday Night Cub Pack Meeting starts at seven and finishes at eight fifteen. The Thursday Night Cub Pack Meeting Starts at seven fifteen and finishes at eight forty five.
Scout Troop – News & Information
Saturday Scout Troop
Leader Training
There was no meeting this past Saturday night as some of the Leaders were away updating their ‘Skills’ in Mount Melleray Scout Centre. The weather over the weekend was less than favourable for Training in the outdoors, as people are standing listening to instructions before doing, rain, high winds, frost and even snow was throw by mother nature at the Leaders from around the Province as they carried out their tasks, from Tent Pitching, Campcraft, and Pioneering. It was these skills shown at a basic level to get everyone up to speed, then this was brought up to the next level to ‘Phoenix’ Standard or in old terms ‘Melvin’ Standard, what makes the difference between ok and perfect. Little tricks of the trade so to say. Well done to Sandy and Brendan who took part and braved the weather.
Meeting 10/01/09
The Scouts were back on Saturday Night with their first meeting of 2009 this was of course Full Uniform starting at the normal time of seven. Patrol Formation was called for and saying of the Scout Prayer had the formalities over for the moment. The Patrols went to the corners, which were to be decorated over the Christmas and New Year, to discuss a Dinner Menu for Annual Camp. Gearóid did attendance, while Michael collected Annual Registration. Ciarán and Joe did a Uniform Inspection. It was then time for some fun and games. We started with a three team relay, each member had to come up to the stage and blow up a balloon, tie it and go back to their team for the next person. Sounds so simple and easy, that is until you have Scouts laughing while they try to inflate the Balloon, eventually all the Scouts got the Balloons inflated, Joe was on hand to tie the knot in some ones, so much for knowing their Scout Knots. A second game with the Balloons had the Scouts tie the Balloons to their ankle using some string, everyone then spread around the Scout Hall and when the whistle sounded had to try and burst the other Scouts Balloons, once your balloon is burst you are out, last Scout was Malachy.
It was down to some badge work with each Scout doing two merit badges over the coming months, one being ‘Home Management’ and there was then a choice of ‘Collector’ or ’Pet Keeper’. The Scouts discussed these with the Leaders and each Scout made notes of the requirements for each badge.
There was just time for one last game of Volley Balloon, here the Troop broke into two teams, Michael and Ciarán kept a tight rein on proceedings.
The meeting finished with the Scout Prayer, Scouts were reminded that anyone interested in going on Annual Camp to Petersburg OEC, Clonbur, Co Galway will need to pay a €20.00 non refundable deposit Saturday 1st February, 09. The dates for Annual Camp are from Sunday 2nd August to Sunday 9th August. There is PL/APL Training on in the WYTEC, Waterford City on Saturday 24th January from 09:00 to 18:00. There are a limited number available to attend the course so it is on a first come first in bases. Brendan will be in contact with the Senior Scouts about attending this day Course. Please get back to him as quickly as possible as other Scouts can go in your place.
New Members
New members are always welcome so if there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Scouts have an adult call along with you to the meeting and talk to Brendan. The Scout age is from 10½ years to 15/16 years. Scout Meetings are on a Saturday night from seven to nine.
If any parent has a question about the Scout Troop then they should talk to Brendan before or after a Scout Meeting. You can E-Mail the Abbeyside Scout Troop on scouttroop@abbeysidescoutgroup.com and Brendan will get in contact with you.
Just before Christmas I was given a loan of a large collection of photo’s from the eighties and nineties bringing back some fond memories, I am hoping to get these up on the blog soon. If there is anyone out there who has Photo’s from the past, recent or further back that they would like to send our way and we could share them with others via the web or local papers, that would be great and much appreciated.
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