4th Waterford
St Joseph’s
Scouting Ireland
Cub Scout Pack & Scout Troop Notes
Calendar Of Events
We have updated our Activities onto an on-line Calendar, you can see these on the Blog Spot or the Abbeyside Scout Group site.
Web Site
Keep up to date with all the happenings of the 4th Waterford through our web pages, on the blog www.abbeyside.blogspot.com and www.abbeysidescoutgroup.com, which we are currently updating. We would be only happy to hear any comments you may have. Check out our Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin to see how things are there too on www.glenshelanescoutcampsite.com E-Mails us any pictures you may have either for the paper or to put on the blog site, if you have a bebo or other page that would be a suitable link forward it on, also to scribe@abbeysidescoutgroup.com
Cub Scout Pack - News & Information
Monday Night Cub Section Meeting
The Monday Night Cubs had a break last Monday due to the Bank Holiday Weekend. Things are back to normal Monday 3rd November with the meeting starting at Seven and finishing at eight and is Full Uniform.
Thursday Night Cub Section Meeting
Our meeting this week began as usual with the saying of the Cub Scout Prayer and the honour this time was given to J.J. Subs were then taken up by section leader Gearoid before the fun began in earnest. The meeting this week was an unusual one as it was a fancy dress meeting because of Halloween. All types of characters entered the den for the meeting and a great effort was put into the costumes by all cubs and indeed parents alike. In fact it was rumoured that certain parents wouldn't be seen out because of the amount of make-up used but this rumour was soon put to rest last weekend! A number of relay games were played such as the cream cracker relay race and the monkey nut relay race. A game of football slalom was also played which was enjoyed by everyone. Claire, Aaron and S.P.L. Joe then played a few apple based games with the cubs such as trying to take a bite from an apple suspended on a string and another relay race where the cubs had to hold the apple between their chin and their chest. Again some found this easier than others. Gearoid then made sure everyone knew what they had to bring for the county hike the following Sunday with the help of clan leader Eoghan Burke. We then had a small party with everyone having some mineral, crisps and also some chocolate. Thanks also to Karen for her help on the night. Assistant leader Claire then announced the winner of the fancy dress and with so much effort put in there were two winners, Meldan O' Dwyer and Fergal Roche. Both were presented with their prizes, all the Cubs then received a party bag, final prayer was said and everyone was dismissed.
Cub County Hike-Portlaw
On Sunday last eighteen of the Thursday night Cubs along with Leaders Gearoid, Brendan, Mandy and Kevin headed to Portlaw for the county hike. Also there were willing parents who provided transport on the day and came back later to collect everyone. Everybody was" keen" to get there, Leaders and Cubs to spend a day hiking and doing activities, and people who provided transport to get away and do other things such as "shopping" etc! Once all the groups had gathered we all pair up with "buddies" for the day and headed off on the hike and towards the first base where the cubs had to make a "bivi" in the fastest time and then fit everyone into it with the materials provided. Abbeyside did themselves extremely proud showing great teamwork and completing the task in forty five seconds, the fastest time of the day up to that point. We then hiked onto the next point where the cubs were put through their paces in an assault course. This took a while to complete and afterwards we broke for lunch. Everyone enjoyed the break and chatted about the mornings activities so far although at this point one of our leaders did seem to go missing for some unknown reason but we did find "HIM" again later in the day. After lunch we then hiked for another short while before arriving back at our starting point for the last base of the day which was orienteering. For this base Abbeyside were divided into three teams of six with Mandy in charge of one team, Kevin + Co. heading the next team and Gearoid in charge of the third team. All Abbeyside teams found all their markers and did extremely well. A great day was had by all and everyone is now looking forward to the next county event which is being held in Abbeyside on December 7th. A big thank you once again to all the leaders and all the parents who provided transport or who offered.
If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Thursday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Section then you should contact Gearoid Fraher, Thursday Night Cub Scout Section Leader.
If there are any questions about the Meetings, Event, Hikes, or Activities of the Monday Night Abbeyside Cub Scout Section then you should contact Brian Mulvihill, Monday Night Cub Scout Section Leader.
If a Cub is unable to attend any Activity, Event or Meeting, you are asked to please let the Cub Scout Section Leader know in advance, this can be done by text or phone on their mobile number. Parents are asked to ensure that their son is on time for meetings and other activities as organised by the Leaders, as late arrival delays or disrupts the running of the meetings for everyone else, thank you.
New Members
Our books are presently limited to new members joining if there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Cubs have a Parent/Guardian call to one of the Cub Scout Pack Meetings and talk to Brian on Monday Night and Gearoid on Thursday Night or talk to any one of the Leaders to have their name put on a waiting list. The Cub age is from 8 years to 10½ /11 years. The Monday Night Cub Pack Meeting starts at seven and finishes at eight. The Thursday Night Cub Pack Meeting Starts at seven fifteen and finishes at eight forty five.
Scout Troop – News & Information
Saturday Scout Troop
Our meeting this week began at seven with Patrol Formation and the saying of the Scout Prayer by those present. With some late arrivals yet again things got started as the Patrols took out their Patrol Equipment boxes from the store and put all the gear out to be checked for condition as always at this time of year some may be damaged or missing altogether. With all the gear on the tables it was sifted through and put back into the boxes. The main reason for this equipment check is because of the Indoor Cooking Competition later this month, Sunday 30th November to be exact. This brought the meeting onto the next part and the menus for the Indoor Cooking Competition, the Patrols were given time to talk amongst themselves while subs were collected by Gearoid, and come up with a dinner menu, covering Starter, Main Course, Desert, Tea & Coffee. The ideas took longer with some people being a bit fussy about the foods they eat. Once decided the Patrols presented their ideas to the Scout Troop, each Patrol for the cooking competition will need to produce a Printed Menu, along with a shopping list and how the food is going to be prepared, what method is going to be used to cook the meal. Activities over the coming weeks were talked about and Scouts attending the South East Forum must give a deposit for next week’s meeting. The Group Mass will take place in December and it may be turned into a trip to the Cinema also, details to follow. It was all too soon the end of the meeting as Patrol Formation was called, much to all the Scouts disappointment next week’s meeting is Mufti and everyone was told to wear clothes they do not mind getting dirty??? That has you all thinking!
The Scout Prayer was said to end the meeting before the order to fall out was given. The meeting starts at seven everybody!
New Members
New members are always welcome so if there is anyone who may be interested in joining the Scouts have an adult call along with you to the meeting and talk to one of the Leaders. The Scout age is from 10½ years to 15/16 years. Scout Meetings are on a Saturday night from seven to nine. You can E-Mail the Abbeyside Scout Troop on scouttroop@abbeysidescoutgroup.com and Brendan will get in contact with you.
Waterford Scout County AGM
The Waterford Scout County AGM is on Monday 3rd November, 2008 in the WYTEC, Cork Road, Waterford, at 19:30. Up for Election this Year are County Commissioner, County Chairperson, County Treasurer, and County Secretary. There are a number of motions also before the meeting to be put to a vote.
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