Monday 6 November 2006

Abbeyside Scout Unit Notes, 6th November 2006

4th Waterford Unit
St Joseph’s
Abbeyside Scout Group
Scouting Ireland
Scout Group & Cub Pack Notes

Cub Pack News

With everyone rested after their bank holiday weekend off it was back to normal as the Cubs gathered for the start of the Cub Pack Meeting at the usual time of seven o’clock. The saying of the Cub Scout Prayer began the meeting after which the Cubs made up two teams for some running relays. These were close but it was Conor Harty’s who proved the quicker by a whisker. It was then into the Clans for roll which was done by Gearoid.

The big event of the night was the presentation of prizes for the bowling, done in October, there were prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd a quick photo was taken of all the Cubs present along with some of the Leaders.

Eamonn, Michael and PL Cearbhail then did some more First Aid things covered included shock, burns. This is another stage of the First Aid Challenge Badge. Time as always was starting to slip away and it was time for a quick game of North, South, East, West, which as always proves fast and furious. During next weeks meeting more of Artist Challenge Badge will be done and each Cub was asked to think of a verse that cold be put into a Christmas Card.

The Cubs formed up in a line for the finishing of the meeting, the Cubs present were each given tickets for the Twelve Days Of Christmas Draw along with a letter explaining about the tickets.

The Clan Leaders and Assistant Clan Leaders were given their badges for their uniforms these go on the left sleeve of their jumpers. The meeting finished with Owen leading the rest of the Cub Pack in the Cub Scout Prayer. Next weeks meeting is at the usual time of seven o’clock.

Scout Group News

A slow start to this weeks meeting as the Group waited for the latecomers to fall in with their Patrols. Scouts are reminded that the meeting starts at eight and are Full Uniform unless otherwise told, if in doubt put on your uniform.

Saying the Scout Prayer started the late meeting after which when the Patrols went to their corners they were to discuss the Indoor Cooking Competition, which is on next Sunday in the den. Each of the Patrols were given a copy of the set menu a number of weeks ago so it was only the final details to be sorted out! Maybe with some of the Patrols, the Kestrel Patrol are as always fully organised. It should be a very interesting day. Patrols were also to check out what sections of the Tracker Badge need to be done by their members.

Equipment was gone through yet again, as it seems to be always a job to be done, and a list of needed gear drawn up to keep the Patrols going. Old pots and some even older frying pans that would give the Scouts a good workout, to rival any gym, just getting the frying pans out of their boxes were put into retirement. So the Leaders will be hitting the shops in an effort to replace gear.

Twelve Days Of Christmas Draw Tickets were also given out to each of the Scouts present.

The Scouts were told next weeks meeting and Indoor Cooking Competition are to be Non-Uniform events, so for the meeting of the 18th November will be Full and Correct Uniform. And for anyone who might have missed out on what the Scout Uniform is here it is again,
Black Polished Shoes/Boots, Black/Navy Socks, Uniform Pants, Uniform Belt, Uniform Shirt, Uniform Lanyard & Whistle, Uniform Jacket, Group Neckerchief, Uniform Woggle, and Group Cap. Also all badges.

From the meeting on the 18th November Uniform Inspections will be marked for NLB Trophy, Scout Of The Year and PL of The Year.

The Meeting ended with the Scout Prayer.

Indoor Cooking Competition

Next Sunday 12th November sees this years’ Indoor Cooking Competition here is the menu again


Starter/First Course

Main Course
Vegetables (x2)

Desert Course
Fruit Flan

Tea or Coffee

A budget of €5-00 per Person. Menu must be hand written. A shopping list must be produced. As part of the Menu explaining how each course is to be produced. Menu must be handed in to the Leaders at the Saturday Night Meeting.

Marks will be awarded as follows:

Patrol Participation – is the patrol working together, has everyone a job.
Hygiene – is the area clean and tidy, are the hands of those preparing food clean.
Food value – was the budget well spent.
Taste – does the food taste good, is it hot or cold, is it cooked properly.
Portion size – had everyone enough to eat.
Food waste – was food thrown out.
Area – is the area neat and tidy, clean, dry and safe.
Food storage – is cooked and raw food kept properly.
Final wash up – is everything washed, clean and dry.
Table presentation – is there matching napkins, tableware etc.
Food presentation – how does it look on the plate?
Service – how long between each course, are pots left on the table.
Menu presentation/budget – did they stay inside the budget, menu.
Tidy up – is the area clean, is there hot water on the boil.
Methods – how are things done, is there a method, is it organised.

Any questions should be asked before the competition where possible. Neckerchiefs are to be worn by all patrol members.
Testers will taste from the Patrol Leaders serving.

During the meeting on Saturday night each Patrol can set up their area.

All the Patrols should be sure to contact their Patrol Leader before Saturday night.

Saturday Night Meeting

Any Scouts wishing to do test work can do so during the meeting this week.

Twelve Days Of Christmas

Scouts and Cubs have tickets for the Twelve Days of Christmas Draw, tickets are €2.00 each there are some great prizes and all money gathered from the sale of these tickets go directly to the Troop selling them. We are looking at using any money to upgrade our toilets and other work in the den. We thank you for your support.

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