Friday 3 November 2006

Abbeyside Scout Group & Cub Pack Notes 14th October 2006

Cub Scout Pack News

There was no Cub Scout Meeting in the Scout Den Abbeyside this week on Saturday Night instead the Cub Scout Pack hit the bowling lanes of Clonea Strand Hotel at the earlier time of half past three on Saturday afternoon.
This was to be the first activity of the Cub Scout Packs Year. Three lanes were booked and once every one of the 18 Cub Scouts Pack present had checked in with Gearoid the Cub Scouts were given their stylish Bowling Shoes. The Cub Scouts then lined up in order of their height to select the teams of what should have been six but when they appeared on the screens it was one of six one of seven and one of five, I think there was some confusion over all the names, we will put it down to computer error. With a flurry of activity the skittles started to fall, some shots may not have been the most correctly bowled balls but the still eventually managed to knock their targets. There are some budding Shot-Putters amongst our Cub Scout Pack as some of the balls ended up in the most unusual places. Then we had Strikes from Sean Kiely and Darragh Mc Grath.
The time passed so fast and soon our hour of bowling had come to an end. With the scorecards totalled, Eamonn was given a computer print out of the final results. Well done to everyone. The stylish bowling shoes were given back to the very helpful staff of the Bowling Alley and the Leaders would like to thank them for all their help. Eamonn bought the Leaders a bar, while Kieran supplied hot Coffee. Was that a bar between them all Eamonn or one each. And why was SPL Michael Organ no invited is there still some sour grapes over the way he embarrassed the other Leaders with his bowling skills. And while we are on the subject is it true that he was also very good at cards? Maybe we should ask the others?
The results were as follows:
Lane 4 1st Malachy Lawless
2nd David Sheehan
3rd Owen Kirkham
Lane 2 1st Darragh Mc Grath
1st Sean Kiely
2nd Owen O’Hara
Lane 1 1st Eoghan Burke
2nd Colm Kennelly
3rd Ryan Keane

Scout Group News

The Scout Group were away from the confines of the Scout Den this weekend. Keeping up their effort where possible and making the most of the good autumn weather to ‘Keep the Out in Scout’. And you could not have asked for a better autumn day, it was dry and we were out what more could you have asked for, well some of us were out. With a less than perfect attendance the Scout Group gathered outside the front door of Mount Melleray Scout Centre.
Just in side the front door of Mount Melleray Scout Centre is housed the Scout Museum and Archive where many of Scouting in Irelands most prized items are stored. These items are of historical value and show the stages of Scouting in Ireland from its founding in 1908 to the present day where history continues to be made. Scouting worldwide will celebrate 100 years in 2007 with Ireland following on just one year later. This Archive is open most Sunday afternoons and is well worth a look.
As some Patrols were better represented than others the Scouts formed up with Patrol Leaders Cearbhail Turraoin and James Wilkinson and with Assistant Patrol Leader Aaron Fraher. This morning’s hike was to take the Scout Group down Melleray hill towards the Grotto and following the Glenshelane River Walk into Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin. Leader Gearoid headed off first with James and his Patrol, then Aaron and his Patrol joined by Patrol Leader Patrick Fennell following after a few minutes then Eamonn followed on behind with Patrol Leader Cearbhail’s Patrol. On the walk down Eamonn ha the Scouts look out for Acorns and Horse Chestnuts, the Acorns were easily found on the walk but the Horse Chestnut was a much harder one to find. The walk down passed uneventful but educational. The Scouts learned to make sure that all-important equipment is safely stored when crossing water (that right James?). In the Glen the Scouts were able to find the all important Horse Chestnut. After a quick snack was eaten the Patrols had some nature items to find. Patrol Leader Cormac O’Mahony joined us at this stage. Gearoid did some relay races with the Patrols and the Tiger Patrol won these out looks like the extra sleep Cormac got did him well. To test the observation skills of Patrol Leaders James and Cormac it was time for a game of hide and seek. First caught was Dylan who put it down to Tom being spotted and Cormac then finding him. This game was enjoyed by all with some evading capture when the time was up and the whistle blown. The Patrols were reminded about the Annual Indoor Cooking Competition on Sunday 12th November 2006.
Parents started to arrive to bring Scouts home after an enjoyable and safe day in the outdoors.


Next weeks Scout and Cub Scout Meetings are Full Uniform. The Outdoor Adventure Store now has new stocks in.
There will be No Meetings on the weekend of the Bank Holiday.
Neckerchiefs and Woggles are available from the Leaders at the meetings.
Scouts are reminded that Badges are part of their Uniform also and any badges that have been presented should be on their Uniform.
We hope to have some news in the coming weeks on Annual Camp 2007.
Annual Registration will be due in January 2007 this can be paid at any time between this and then, the Leaders have more details.
Work is still under way at the cabin. We would like to thank those who have offered their services we will be in touch. Unfortunately we have been the victim of vandal who broke a glass window with a firework, we have been in contact with the authorities and they are looking into it. What can I say!

Meetings next week are at the usual time.

How did the bowling ball get between the rail and the bumper?
What did happen to the ‘Mars Bar’ in Brendan’s car?
Who won the bet amongst the Leaders?
What fell out of James pocket?
Is Michael Organ really that good at bowline or are the others that bad?
Where is David’s uniform now?
Did Marco really leave his bag behind at the Scout Centre?

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